Level 1 Oboe Reeds.
These reeds are made with select pieces of cane and are highly refined over many days of scraping and playing.
$ 30.00
These reeds are made with select pieces of cane and are highly refined over many days of scraping and playing.
$ 30.00
Level 2 Oboe Reeds.
Previously know as the typical reed send out. Made played and scraped over a shorter time and available within the week.
Suitable for semi professional and student players. Responsive, reliable and with a warm tone. Light or Normal Strength.
$ 25.00
Previously know as the typical reed send out. Made played and scraped over a shorter time and available within the week.
Suitable for semi professional and student players. Responsive, reliable and with a warm tone. Light or Normal Strength.
$ 25.00
Oboe Cane expertly gouged from my machines on Rigotti or Alliaud Cane
One Dozen - $27.00
Specify Single or Double Radius Gouge
One Dozen - $27.00
Specify Single or Double Radius Gouge
English Horn Gouger Sampler
7 pieces of gouged Rigotti cane
Oboe Reeds
I played the Berceuce (Firebird) in rehearsal last night on one of your reeds. In the passage where you play the four note descending figure 3 times, the first being pp, the second time piu pp, and the third time niente, the conductor said he’s never heard an oboe play that quietly before. Thanks! SF
"Once again, thank you for the reeds and cane! I love playing your reeds because it helps me understand proper function, while maintaining a beautiful sound very rich in resonance and overtones. They are very rich and dense sounding, yet malleable so colors can be easily produced on a whim. I just played Shostakovich Fifth Symphony with the orchestra I play with and was able to produce a reed on the E gouge that not only felt amazing, but I think it’s the best I have played in a few years." BB
"I am appreciating you for a source of reliable reeds, so thank you." DF
"The two complete playing reeds I got are fantastic, and such that I just ordered 8 more from you." RB
"Got the reeds the other day. Your reeds always work great in dry Phoenix! I adjust them just a bit, but yours are the best reeds I've found for my Loree RH Royale." MG
"I am really enjoying the sample cane I received from you! The vibration is like no other machine." CK
"I’m really liking the results I’m getting off the gouged cane from you." MD
"The reeds you sent me in the Fall were wonderful, and got me through a ton of rehearsals and performances. Thank you!" AH
"some time ago I purchased some of your reeds. They play wonderfully and have a great sound." JT
"Thanks as always for your great reeds and cane." BL
I played the Berceuce (Firebird) in rehearsal last night on one of your reeds. In the passage where you play the four note descending figure 3 times, the first being pp, the second time piu pp, and the third time niente, the conductor said he’s never heard an oboe play that quietly before. Thanks! SF
"Once again, thank you for the reeds and cane! I love playing your reeds because it helps me understand proper function, while maintaining a beautiful sound very rich in resonance and overtones. They are very rich and dense sounding, yet malleable so colors can be easily produced on a whim. I just played Shostakovich Fifth Symphony with the orchestra I play with and was able to produce a reed on the E gouge that not only felt amazing, but I think it’s the best I have played in a few years." BB
"I am appreciating you for a source of reliable reeds, so thank you." DF
"The two complete playing reeds I got are fantastic, and such that I just ordered 8 more from you." RB
"Got the reeds the other day. Your reeds always work great in dry Phoenix! I adjust them just a bit, but yours are the best reeds I've found for my Loree RH Royale." MG
"I am really enjoying the sample cane I received from you! The vibration is like no other machine." CK
"I’m really liking the results I’m getting off the gouged cane from you." MD
"The reeds you sent me in the Fall were wonderful, and got me through a ton of rehearsals and performances. Thank you!" AH
"some time ago I purchased some of your reeds. They play wonderfully and have a great sound." JT
"Thanks as always for your great reeds and cane." BL
These are classic American style oboe reeds.
The reeds are easy to play have a beautiful tone and are very stable.
The reeds are ideal for all players.
Now, with all natural cork tubes.
The reeds are easy to play have a beautiful tone and are very stable.
The reeds are ideal for all players.
Now, with all natural cork tubes.
Satisfaction Guaranteed!
Reeds will be available August 1, 2024

Silver Oboe Staples per dozen
AK copies with natural cork
AK copies with natural cork
all sales final